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Pillars for Positive Aging

by Jen Ozolins Rice

Aging is an inevitable journey for everyone. Maintaining a positive attitude, feeling good about yourself, keeping fit and healthy, and seeing each day as an opportunity for adventure and learning are a few of the keys to help make the rest of your life meaningful.

Focusing your mindset on happiness and satisfaction despite the negative challenges society places on growing old will help you maintain a positive outlook. What can help you embrace the years ahead with enthusiasm?

Spiritual Wellness – Do you set aside time in your day for prayer, meditation, or personal time? Do you set aside time in your day for relaxation/quiet time?

Emotional Wellness – Are you able to make decisions and complete activities with minimal stress/worry? Is there something you are looking forward to?

Physical Wellness – Do you participate regularly in an aerobic activity? Do you get adequate and satisfying sleep, and wake up refreshed?

Social Wellness – Do you set aside and plan time to be with your family and friends?  Do you feel that your relationships are positive and rewarding? Are you involved in group activities or hobbies?

CareWell Services Southwest and your local senior centers provide many opportunities to help you find ways to answer “yes” to all these questions and more.  Call us, we’re here to help! For more information, call our resource line: 269-441-0930.

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