About Us
CareWell Services Southwest is one of 16 area agencies on aging in Michigan created by the Older Americans Act and designated by the Michigan Aging and Adult Services Agency.

As an area agency on aging, we are charged to identify the needs of seniors and develop plans to enable older adults to maintain their independence with dignity through person-centered services.
CareWell Services also:
- Advocates on behalf of older adults and their caregivers
- Serves as the primary focal point for services for seniors, persons with disabilities and caregivers.
- Administers federal, state, local and private funds to support services and programs for older adults.
- Funds programs that serve older adults in Barry and Calhoun counties.
As an area agency on aging, our mission is to promote health, independence, and choice for seniors, persons with disabilities and caregivers. We envision a community where people are cared for with dignity and respect. CareWell Services Southwest is governed by a Policy Board of Directors made up of representatives from Barry and Calhoun counties. The Policy Board obtains insight into the needs of older adults and caregivers in our region from the Advisory Council, which is made up of at least 50% older adults but also elected officials and representatives from the community and aging network. Together, we identify the needs of seniors and develop plans to enable older adults to maintain their independence with dignity through person-centered services.
Due to our mission, governance and funding sources, the majority of persons we serve are 60 years of age or older and persons with disabilities aged 18 years of age or older. We provide referrals to appropriate agencies, programs, or services to meet the needs of those whose age or health is outside the demographic scope of our mission.
Region 3B Area Agency on Aging, d/b/a CareWell Services SW, does not discriminate against any individual or group on the basis of race, national origin, color, sex, disability, religion, age, height, weight, familial status, partisan considerations, or genetic information. Sex-based discrimination includes, but is not limited to discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, sex characteristics, and pregnancy.
Certain programs or services, like MI Choice Waiver, may be subject to age, health, income and asset eligibility criteria. Most services are free of charge, however, donations and cost sharing helps us extend our services to as many people as possible.