Call Us (269) 966-2450

Caregiver Resource Center

Caregiver Resource Center

CareWell has programs and services designed to help caregivers more effectively carry out their caregiving role. Our Caregiver Resource Center is open Monday through Friday from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm and offers educational programs, information, resources, and other support such as help arranging respite care.

Workshops and groups available through the resource center include Powerful Tools for Caregivers, Dementia Caregiving Series, Caregiver Support Circle, and Grief Support. Workshops provide caregivers with information, tools, and coping strategies to better care for themselves and their loved ones. Groups offer a place of connection and understanding along with others who are experiencing similar circumstances.

The center is also equipped with printed resources, such as books and other publications, as well as a computer to access online resources specific to the needs of each caregiver.

CareWell’s CRC staff are available to provide information about home and community-based services, including Care Transitions Coordination and Support, Respite Services, and MI Choice Waiver. CareWell Services Southwest is a program agent for MI Choice Waiver in Barry, Berrien, Branch, Calhoun, Cass, Kalamazoo, St. Joseph, and Van Buren counties, and can help eligible adults get set up with in-home services.

Eligibility Requirements

Our Caregiver Resource Center and caregiver programs are open to all.

Get Started

Call us at (269) 966-2450 or stop into the Caregiver Resource Center on the second floor of the Kool Family Community Center, 200 W. Michigan Ave in Battle Creek.

Policy Board Meeting Notice

Next Meeting

Monday February 24, 2025 at 5:30 pm

Meeting will be held at:

CareWell Services Southwest

200 W Michigan Ave., Suite 102

Battle Creek, MI 49017

(800) 626-6719

For more information on our Policy Board please click on the button below:

Office Closure Notice

Due to the winter storm warning, our offices will be closed on Thursday, December 5th. All staff will be working remotely.

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