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Elder Abuse Prevention & Intervention

CareWell Services Southwest collaboratively facilitates an elder abuse coalition with the goal of increasing community awareness, education activities, coordination of prevention & intervention, and increasing reporting of elder abuse in Calhoun and Barry counties.

CEASE (Coalition Empowering Against Senior Exploitation) has members representing financial services, senior service providers, law enforcement, adult protective services, advocacy organizations, legal services and private sector business leaders.

Thousands of cases of elder abuse are likely to occur each year in Calhoun County and yet, elder abuse often goes unreported. In fact, only a small fraction of elder abuse incidents are reported each year, leaving seniors vulnerable to continued abuse.

There are many types of elder abuse. Here are some examples.

  • Finance or material exploitation is the illegal or improper use of another’s funds, property, or assets.
  • Physical abuse is the actual or threatened use of physical force that may result in bodily injury, pain or impairment.
  • Sexual abuse is the non-consensual sexual contact of any kind with an older adult.
  • Emotional or psychological abuse is the infliction of anguish, pain, or distress through verbal or nonverbal acts.
  • Neglect is the refusal or failure to fulfill any part of a person’s obligations or duties to an elder. It also includes self-neglect that results in the risk of harm or injury.
  • Abandonment is the desertion of a person by an individual who has assumed responsibility for providing care, or by a person with physical custody of an elder.
  • Stealing or withholding medications or food can also qualify as Elder Abuse, exploitation, physical abuse, or neglect.

Visit the National Center on Elder Abuse website for more information on elder abuse.

If you suspect that someone you know is a victim, call the Michigan Adult Protective Services hotline at (855) 444-3911. All calls are confidential.

R.S.V.P. by calling Val at 269-441-0917 or emailing

Resources on Elder Abuse/Scams

Below are links for a variety of educational information on topics related to elder abuse and scams.

Resources on Hoarding

Up to 5% of the population hoards.  Below are some resources to help you address this complex issue of self-neglecting behavior.

Information on Hoarding: 

Info includes a FREE facilitator’s guide for the “Buried in Treasures” Self-Help Workbook for Hoarding plus resources to help you develop a local OCD/Hoarding support group:

The Clutter Image Rating is a tool that helps standardize definitions of clutter by showing a series of images depicting rooms in various stages of clutter, and can be used to evaluate degree of hoarding in a home without actually going into the home. 

Download the CIR Tool here:

Includes info on how animal hoarding contributes to COPD/Asthma due to poor air quality/ammonia; zoonotic disease risks from pests and infestations, and info on Diogenes Syndrome for persons living in filth/squalor:

Policy Board Meeting Notice

Next Meeting

Monday February 24, 2025 at 5:30 pm

Meeting will be held at:

CareWell Services Southwest

200 W Michigan Ave., Suite 102

Battle Creek, MI 49017

(800) 626-6719

For more information on our Policy Board please click on the button below:

Office Closure Notice

Due to the winter storm warning, our offices will be closed on Thursday, December 5th. All staff will be working remotely.

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