For Seniors
What is the MI Choice Waiver?

The MI Choice Waiver Program provides services and supports to people at home. Your home could be a house, apartment, condo, adult foster care, or a home for the aged. MI Choice services are not available to people who live in nursing homes.
MI Choice Waiver serves adults age 18 or older who need services like those provided in a nursing home. If you are younger than 65, you must have a disability to qualify. You also have to qualify for Medicaid.
When you enroll in MI Choice Waiver, you can get Medicaid services, plus MI Choice Waiver services. Services may be provided by workers from a home health agency, Community Health Workers, paid family caregivers, or others.
A team made up of a nurse and a social worker will help you. They will make a person-centered, individualized plan for your care that includes a mix of services to meet your needs and preferences, such as the services listed below. “Person-centered” means that your needs, desires, and goals are most important. We work with you and your caregivers to make the best plan for your services.
- Adult Day Health (Adult Day Care)
- Assistive Technology
- Chore Services
- Community Health Worker
- Community Living Supports
- Community Transportation (medical or non-medical)
- Counseling
- Environmental Accessibility Adaptations (Home Modifications)
- Fiscal Intermediary
- Goods and Services
- Home Delivered Meals
- Personal Emergency Response System
- Nursing Services (Preventative Nursing)
- Private Duty Nursing/Respiratory Care
- Respite
- Specialized Medical Equipment and Supplies
- Supports Brokerage & Coordination
- Training
- Vehicle Modifications
- Must be financially eligible. Special Medicaid income and asset limits apply for MI Choice Waiver.
- Frail adults or persons with disabilities aged 18 years of age or older
- Frail adults must meet the requirements for Michigan Medicaid nursing facility level of frailty as determined during a personal in-home assessment, also called a Level of Care Determination
- Must be financially eligible for Medicaid.
- Special rules apply for married couples
- Medically eligible for long term care
- Must require a waiver service
- Must meet annual income and asset limits set by the Federal Government.
- The income and asset limits for MI Choice Waiver are set by the Federal Government each year. Call us to learn more.
CareWell Services provides MI Choice Waiver to people who live in Barry, Berrien, Branch, Calhoun, Cass, Kalamazoo, St. Joseph, and Van Buren counties.
Please reach out to us at 269-966-2450 or (toll-free) 1-800-626-6719.
MI Choice Waiver is a statewide program funded by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS).