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My Medicare Matters: Medicare Mental Health Coverage

Senior man covering his face with his hands

by Kim Smallcombe, MMAP Regional/Program Coordinator, CareWell Services Southwest

One in five of us will experience a mental health issue during our lifetime. This is especially true as we age and experience more physical health conditions and isolation. Anxiety and depression are two of the most common mental health conditions. They may be caused by worry over changing physical health or by interactions with new medications. The good news is that many of these situations are temporary and treatable, so it is always in your best interest to seek assistance. 

Starting in January 2024, Medicare coverage was expanded cover the following situations: 

  • Outpatient counseling with individual and group therapy, including medications. Family therapy is also covered if the counseling is focused on the mental condition. 
  • Partial hospitalization is covered as a structured day program, which is an alternative to inpatient care. These are more intense programs normally offered in a doctor or therapist’s office.

Medicare Part A and Part B pays 80% of your hospital and medical costs. The remaining amount paid, or due from the patient, will vary depending on whether you have a Medigap plan or a Medicare Advantage plan. You can call the phone number on your insurance card for coverage for the 20% remainder and to find out if you need pre-authorization to avoid surprise invoices. 

For Veterans, the VA also offers many programs to help with your mental health needs. 

MMAP (Michigan Medicare Assistance Program) has offices in every Michigan county. Call today! 1(800) 803-7174 

MMAP is a free Medicare counseling service provided to you via state and federal grants.

Office Closure Notice

Due to the winter storm warning, our offices will be closed on Thursday, December 5th. All staff will be working remotely.

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