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What Are Evidence-Based Programs?

Evidence-Based Programs (EBPs) offer proven ways to enhance health and prevent disease among older adults. Each program is backed by solid research. EBPs are based on a study of the effects or outcomes of specific interventions or model programs. They demonstrate reliable and consistent positive changes in important health-related and functional measures. In simpler terms, if you follow the guidelines of the program, you will have an improvement in your health. This is a big deal! People always wonder if programs work. These programs do work! There is solid research and independent studies behind evidence based programs. If you follow the program model, they are likely to produce positive outcomes for participants.

CareWell Services offers a variety of EBPs, including Chronic Disease Personal Action Towards Health (PATH), Chronic Pain PATH, Diabetes PATH, Creating Confident Caregivers, Matter of Balance, and Savvy Caregivers. 

Chronic Disease PATH is a free six-week class that teaches practical skills for living a healthy life with a chronic health problem. It was developed and tested by Stanford University and is designed to complement your current medical treatment.

Chronic Pain PATH is a free six-week class that teaches practical skills for living a healthy life with chronic pain. It was developed and tested by Stanford University and is designed to complement your current medical treatment.

Diabetes PATH is a free six-week class that teaches practical skills for living a healthy life with diabetes. It was developed and tested by Stanford University and is designed to complement your current medical treatment.

Creating Confident Caregivers utilizes the Savvy Caregiver Program, a university-tested program for family members caring for a loved one with dementia at home. Two hour sessions are held once a week for six weeks and led by dementia care specialists. This program provides participants with information, skills, and attitudes to manage stress and increase effective caregiving skills.

Matter of Balance is an award-winning program designed to manage falls and increase activity levels. MOB is a free program for people 60 years of age or older. Classes meet one day a week for 8 weeks.

The Savvy Caregiver program helps caregivers navigate the complex role of caregiving. The in-home training provides information on the course of Alzheimer’s and the progressive impact on the person with the disease. The second part of the training helps the caregiver integrate activities to promote contented involvement with the person they are caring for into their daily life.

To learn more about these programs, contact CareWell Services at 269-441-0930. Check out our calendar to learn what programs are coming up.

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