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CareWell Services Southwest Announces New CEO

CareWell’s new CEO Stacy Wines

BATTLE CREEK, MI (August 2, 2022)––The Policy Board of Directors for CareWell Services Southwest have officially approved Stacy Wines as the new Chief Executive Officer of the Region 3B Area Agency on Aging, as of August 1, 2022. 

“The Board of Directors of CareWell is delighted to appoint Stacy Wines as the CEO,” said Stephan Marzolf, Board Chair. “She has the background, knowledge and leadership skills to lead CareWell as it advances its mission of promoting the health, independence and choice of seniors, people with disabilities and their caregivers.”

Wines has worked for CareWell Services since February of 2015, serving most recently as Chief Operating Officer. She started her career as a paralegal specializing in estate planning, probate, and real estate. In 2012, she went back to school for Business Administration and entered the nonprofit sector. Before joining the CareWell team, Wines served as Grants Manager for the  Battle Creek Community Foundation.

“I’m looking forward to leading CareWell into the future and working with our amazing staff, Policy Board and Advisory Council members, the community partners and those we serve,” Wines said.

Wines has also been a caregiver for over a decade. This role has made her passionate about advocating for the health, choice, and independence of both the aging population and the needs of caregivers.

This promotion follows the resignation of former CEO Karla Fales in March of this year. Fales took a new position as CEO of REAL Services Inc. Wines has been serving as the interim CEO since Fales’ departure.

Said Wines, “All that could be done until a permanent CEO was in place was to hold the wheel steady. Now we can thoughtfully begin engaging in conversations to make CareWell the best it can be and look at the many ideas shared with me over the last seven months.” 

Fales was with CareWell Services since 2005, acting as CEO since 2008. As CEO, she grew CareWell into a highly respected and financially stable organization from the foundation created by her mentor and also former CareWell CEO Angela Wisely, who tragically passed away in 2005.

“While I will build on the legacies Angela Wisely and Karla left, I’m excited to look at innovative solutions across the aging network to meet the needs of those we serve,” Wines said.

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