Call Us (269) 966-2450


CareWell provides counseling to seniors and caregivers regarding senior services and programs.

CareWell Services Southwest provides free MMAP (Medicare & Medicaid Assistance Program) Benefits Counseling to assist seniors in Barry and Calhoun County with Medicare, Medicaid, Part D and other insurance needs. Benefits Counselors have been trained in Medicare, Medicaid, and other insurance products.

We also assist seniors who are unaware of programs they may be eligible for such as the Medicare Savings Program to pay their Medicare Part B premiums, and the Extra Help Low Income Subsidy program which reduces prescription co-pays for eligible seniors.

Through the counseling process for Part D, seniors have the opportunity to learn about other beneficial programs that are not well publicized. Counselors provide unbiased education and assistance and are not connected with any insurance company.

Eligibility Requirements

Participants must be seniors in Barry or Calhoun County with Medicare, Medicaid, Part D and other insurance needs. Adults with disabilities over the age of 18 who are newly qualifying for Medicare due to 24 months of disability are also eligible for MMAP counseling.

Get Started

To speak to a counselor to schedule an appointment, call 1 (800) 803-7174.


Volunteer as a MMAP Counselor If you enjoy learning new things, would like to make a difference in your community, and are able to commit to volunteering a minimum of five hours per month for at least one year, please contact our MMAP Regional Coordinator at (269) 966-2450 to learn more about how you can join the MMAP team.

MMAP Counselors:

  • Are supervised by paid staff
  • Receive an initial 36 hours of classroom training about Medicare and Medicaid, then receive monthly web training, and quarterly regional training, in addition to one-on-one mentoring by regional and site coordinators
  • Must pass background checks because they deal with personal information
  • Not permitted to have active insurance licenses, to remain unbiased
  • Find the ongoing education and problem-solving challenges of MMAP volunteering to be very rewarding!

Policy Board Meeting Notice

Next Meeting

Monday February 24, 2025 at 5:30 pm

Meeting will be held at:

CareWell Services Southwest

200 W Michigan Ave., Suite 102

Battle Creek, MI 49017

(800) 626-6719

For more information on our Policy Board please click on the button below:

Office Closure Notice

Due to the winter storm warning, our offices will be closed on Thursday, December 5th. All staff will be working remotely.

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