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Region 3B Area Agency on Aging, d/b/a CareWell Services Southwest, is seeking input from the public about the needs of and available services for seniors in Barry and Calhoun counties as a part of its FY 2024-2025 Annual Implementation Plan (AIP) with the Bureau of Aging, Community Living, and Supports, Behavioral and Physical Health and Aging Services Administration, MDHHS. All interested parties are invited to provide input into the development of the AIP at the following public hearings:

May 20, 2024, at 4 pm Kool Family Community Center – Valentine Room

200 W. Michigan

Battle Creek, MI 49017

May 28, 2024, at 2 pm Barry County Commission on Aging

320 W. Woodlawn Avenue

Hastings, MI  49058

A summary of the AIP will be available for review by the public beginning May 6, 2024, and can be obtained from CareWell Services by calling 269-441-0917.

Members of the public do not need to attend the public hearing to provide input.  Comments will be accepted through June 7, 2024. Written input will also be accepted in person, by letter, or email sent to the agency’s main office, located at:

CareWell Services SW


200 W. Michigan, Suite 102

Battle Creek, MI 49017  


CareWell Services is one of 16 area agencies on aging designated by the Bureau of Aging, Community Living, and Supports, Behavioral and Physical Health and Aging Services Administration, MDHHS. Our mission is to promote health, independence and choice for seniors, persons with disabilities and caregivers. For more information about programs and services call 269-966-2450 or 1-800-626-6719. Call us. We’re here to help! 

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